Network of key cancer data support professionals (WP5) 

Registration form for the network and for the kickoff meeting 6 September 2023 13-14 CEST

In the context of the WP5 “Training and capacity building for key national and international stakeholders”, our aim is to unlock the expertise in handling cancer related data both within and outside of the EOSC4Cancer consortium. To this end, in Task5.3 we will bring together a network of key cancer data support professionals (a.o. data stewards), coming from within the EOSC4Cancer member institutes, the respective RIs, relevant national initiatives and competency centers. On June 19 2023, we presented the proposed setup and activities of the network in a webinar and you can find the slides here: . The network of cancer data support professionals is foreseen to a) share expertise, best practices, training resources, challenges b) work together on identified tasks (a.o. RDMkit Cancer view pages) and c) align and connect to already existing networks of cancer data support professionals.

The next step will be the first meeting of the network, which is open for all, and this will take place on Wednesday September 6 2023, 13-14 CEST. We want to start with setting up the minimal network (with representatives of all EOSC4Cancer partners) and expand by including external stakeholders (as identified in WP6). We will do this in a stepwise fashion, according to the plans, needs and ideas of the members of the network.

Please help identify the person(s) that will represent your organisation in the network and forward this  invitation to them so we have a good representation across the consortium. The foreseen members are individuals who are in a supporting role for cancer researchers in their institute, and/or are participating in a cancer related project, and/or are involved in building and operating the infrastructure. 

Registration for the network kickoff meeting is possible via this Google Form. After registration you will receive more information about the agenda and connection details for the meeting. Please fill this form before August 29, 2023. 

In case you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Celia van Gelder (
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Yes, I want to register for the emerging network of cancer data support professionals
My name

My email address

My affiliation
My job role
Relevant cancer projects, networks, research infrastructures, competence centers etc that I am involved in
I have the following expertise and experience in training & support related to cancer data
I am a member/My organisation is a member of the EOSC4Cancer Consortium *
For EOSC4Cancer members only: In case you are a member of the EOSC4Cancer Consortium please indicate in which Work Package(s) you/your organisation are involved

I will join the kickoff meeting on September 6 2023, 13-14 CEST
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